An unsecured personal loan in Singapore can be a great option to receive a sizable amount of money you might suddenly require. Even though doing so for short-term purposes is not advisable, a personal loan is still preferable to utilizing credit card debt if you need money immediately. There are countless circumstances in which you might experience a financial emergency.
Perhaps you find yourself suddenly in need of an expensive medical procedure that you cannot afford. You may have to pay a tuition deposit for joint school or a family emergency. Whatever the case, a personal loan Singapore may be a good short-term solution if you don’t immediately have access to the large amount of money you require. This post outlines the key things to understand before seeking a personal loan in Singapore.
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What is a personal loan?
It is an unsecured sum of money a lender offers you to support your needs. It’s “unsecured” because it’s not secured by collateral, like a house. Therefore, it’s not bound to anything. To put it another way, the lender does not have the power to seize your assets or property even if you are unable to repay your obligation.
On the contrary, the typical “secured” loan is a mortgage loan. When you default on your loan in this situation, the lender, often a bank, has the right to seize your property.
How do personal loans work?
Applying for a personal loan entails borrowing a large sum upfront and simply paying it back later, right? It’s a frequent misconception that repaying your personal loan entails paying back just the first lump sum you borrowed. It’s crucial to remember that you may also have to pay interest and other expenses in addition to the lump money. Your lender requires you to pay back this entire sum of money within the time frame in your contract.
Personal installment loans are one type of personal loan that typically has fixed interest rates and repayment terms. Consequently, you must repay your loan and interest over a few months or years. When using a credit line, the lender evaluates interest based on the amount borrowed and the loan length. The lender will stop adding interest to your balance once you fully pay it.
Note that most of the personal loans are fully amortized. This implies that the lender includes the principal repayment and interest in the installments. Amortized loans benefit you because they do not balloon when the loan term ends. This enables you to budget your money and prepare for your repayment.
Situations that may force you to get a personal loan in singapore
Here are some scenarios where getting a personal loan may be necessary for you:
- Education Costs: College Fees or Textbooks
- Consolidating debt
- A family emergency
- A medical emergency
- The repayment of credit cards
- A wedding
- A honeymoon
Benefits of personal loans
Quick availability
A personal loan is one potential option to borrow cash quickly in an emergency. A lender can authorize the loan a day and a week after your application.
As was already explained, an unsecured loan is one for which you are not obligated to provide security when the contract is signed. This implies that the lender cannot confiscate your property if you stop making payments. A personal loan includes less danger than a mortgage loan.
Drawbacks of personal loans
A high rate of interest
Generally, a personal loan has a higher interest rate than a secured loan. Its interest rate may occasionally be greater than that of some credit cards.
Types of personal loans available in Singapore
There are typically four different forms of personal loans in Singapore. Knowing which loan is best for you before applying for one of these in Singapore is crucial.
Personal installment loan
This is the most common personal loan Singapore that you can borrow for things like emergencies and weddings. It provides an upfront lump sum of money that you must repay over time in installments (e.g., weekly or monthly, based on your selected repayment plan).
Balance transfer
With this kind of loan, you can consolidate all of your unpaid debts, including credit card payments, into one. Consolidating your debt with a set monthly payment that you can budget for on a sustainable basis is a great alternative.
Credit line
A credit line, usually a revolving line of credit, is a type of credit instrument that enables you to access funds at any time. The maximum sum you can borrow from your line of credit typically depends on your monthly income for an annual fee of approximately S$60 to S$120.
Debt consolidation plan
With this debt consolidation program, you can combine your unsecured credit facilities from various financial institutions into a single financial institution. This program does not, however, apply to all unsecured loans. It excludes the following:
- Credit facilities granted for business and commercial uses
- Medical loans
- Renovation loans
- Education loans
- Joint accounts
Are personal loans the right choice for you?
Before doing so, consider whether getting a personal loan is the best course of action. Despite being better than credit card debt, personal loans still have a high cost. Read the following views and recommendations if you are considering getting a personal loan Singapore.
Before borrowing, make sure you can repay it. Your credit score can suffer significantly if you default on a personal loan, which could have severe repercussions in the future.
Borrow a personal loan to consolidate debt. Personal loans can speed up your debt relief if you require a fixed monthly payment at an acceptable rate to manage and pay down your debt.
Obtaining a personal loan in Singapore from a registered moneylender may be helpful if you need assistance carrying out a resolution you’ve set for the year or urgently need money. Once you’ve decided a personal loan is right for you, control your monthly spending to ensure you can afford the payments. Since personal loans frequently have fixed, recurring monthly payments, you’ll know what to expect as you manage your finances.